
Order Confirmation
Placing an order does NOT guarantee the item is in stock. After placing an order, you will be receiving an automatic email confirmation containing all the details of your order. Once it has been processed, you will receive an email with the tracking information. 

Stock Availability
All products are subject to availability. If the ship date is not noted on the product, please call or email us for a ship date on your dress. Inventory changes every day, call for availability. Not all dresses are guaranteed to be in stock.

Your Contact Information
Please be sure to double check all of your contact information before placing your order, it is important to add a phone number for us to contact you about your order if needed. After placing your order, please keep look out for an email from ocsparkle.com

Processing Orders
Standard shipping orders may take up to 3 business days to get processed and shipped out. All other shipping methods will be processed the next business day.